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A team of volunteers on the range during the 2011 National Pistol Championships at Camp Perry
Fairfax, Virginia – Each year the NRA hosts competitive shooting championships across the nation. There’s collegiate, action pistol, black powder, high power rifle, pistol, smallbore. You name it and we have a championship for it.
But there are only so many NRA employees which is why we need your help to get the job done. Volunteers are the heart of every NRA championship and it’s because of the generous donation of their time that we can have so many. Every crucial detail that makes a match not only possible, but run smoothly, is handled by volunteers. From running the range to keeping statistical records, they do it all.
You don’t need to have a background in competitive shooting to help out. But a genuine interest in seeing the success of our country’s shooting sports is a must. Below are just some of the events that need a helping hand. If you have the time, please apply for one of this year’s championships. After we’ve read your application, an Event Volunteer Coordinator will contact you with further instructions.
NRA volunteers for Camp Perry’s 2012 Smallbore Championships
Camp Perry, Ohio
July and August
The NRA National Rifle & Pistol Championships at Camp Perry host more than 4,000 competitors every summer. These matches constitute National Championships for the Pistol, Smallbore, and High Power sports. Experienced RSOs and CROs welcome but not necessary. If you don’t have much experience but want to help out, don’t worry – we can train you! There is a huge demand for volunteers to run this prestigious and historical competition and any help is appreciated.
For more information:
National Matches Volunteer Information Brochure
Back to Perry (checklist of what to bring)
Printable National Matches Application
Bianchi Cup
Columbus, Missouri
May 22-25
The NRA Action Pistol Championship draws the world’s top pistol shooters in a sport that requires careful balance of both accuracy and speed. In 2012, competitors hailed from Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland and, of course, the United States. Volunteer referees and RSOs needed.
For more information:
Printable Bianchi Cup Volunteer Application
Email the Event Volunteer Coordinator, Tom Hughes (thughes@nrahq.org)
Olie Barjenbruch’s plaque for 30 years of service to the NRA Bianchi Cup
Intercollegiate Championships
Fort Benning, Georgia
March 10-17
This is a combined championship and it’s coming up soon. Pistol is run first and will be followed by Rifle. In the Pistol Championships the National Collegiate Individual and Team Champions in Intercollegiate Free Pistol, Standard Pistol, Open Air Pistol, Women’s Air Pistol and Women’s Sport Pistol are decided. The Rifle Club Championships determine the National Collegiate Rifle Club Individual and Team Champions and ROTC Individual and Team Champions. Volunteers are needed to help run the range, score, and manage the store.
For more information:
Printable Intercollegiate Volunteer Application
Email the Event Volunteer Coordinator, Victoria Croft (vcroft@nrahq.org)
General Help
Everywhere (USA)
There are many other competitive shooting events and general office/event tasks that require assistance. If you have a busy schedule and have to make your commitments on a case-by-case basis, or you aren’t ready to sign up now but want to be included as opportunities become available, please fill out our General Volunteer Application. This information is strictly for NRA volunteer purposes only and we only contact you when opportunities become available – using your preferred method.
For more information:
Email the Event Volunteer Coordinator, Beth Epley (volunteer@nrahq.org)
Annual Meeting
Houston, Texas
May 3-5
The NRA Annual Meeting is our biggest event of the year and volunteers are needed for a wide variety of activities including the NRA Store, Membership Services, the Airgun Range, Firearms Inspectors and many others. The store requires lots of manpower and we’re in great need of volunteers with cashier experience. Membership Services is also busy with many renewals and upgrades. If you’re an NRA-certified instructor we could really use your assistance at the Airgun range. Annual Meeting has tons of jobs and we’ll do our best to find one that you will enjoy. Half-day shifts available, apply today!
For more information:
Email the Event Volunteer Coordinator, Gayle Carter-Cook (nravolunteer@gmail.com)
NRAblog is your connection to the programs of the NRA. It is a project of the NRA’s Media Relations Division.
NRA Executive Director: Kyle Weaver
Lars Dalseide. E-mail him at LDalseide (AT) nrahq.org.
Kyle Jillson. E-mail him at KJillson (AT) nrahq.org.
Justin McDaniel E-mail him at JMcDaniel (AT) nrahq.org.
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