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This week, Michael talks about his visit to GUNSITE last week filming for SHOOTING GALLERY. One of the topics covered is using lever action rifles as home defense guns.…
This week, Michael catches everyone up in the SHOOTING GALLERY filming schedule, including filming with Karl Rehn from KR Training and the guys from Polymer80 building a “Glockish” handgun.…
This week, Michael blathers endlessly about the Colorado RIMFIRE CHALLENGE state championships, in which by some miracle he didn’t get disqualified!…
This week, Michael talks about Magpul AR-10 magazines and assorted self-defense topics!…
This week Michael talks about the occasional perversity of firearms and the tremendous power of two simple words: “I’m Sorry.” …
This week Michael goes seriously Glock at the GSSF State Championships in Colorado. Plus, a rant on civility and Pete Brownell...…
This week Michael recaps the OSG editors Roundtable at Brownells in Iowa last week.…
This week Michael talks about his most recent 3-Gun match, where he swept to victory in Heavy Metal Optics Division…of course, he was the only shooter in Heavy Metal Optics!…
This week, Michael talks more about lever action rifles and reveals his plans for filming a defensive lever action class at Gunsite. He also explains why Abe Lincoln says everything…
This week Michael talks about the rebirth of Cowboy Action Shooting, the coming wholesale disruption of the firearms industry and a bit on the Bond Arms derringer.…