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Home » Posts tagged with » Self Defense (Page 46)

The Best Defense: Elderly Home Invasion

The Best Defense: Elderly Home Invasion

When criminals look for victims, they look for the weakest they can find. If you are disabled, you are more than twice as likely to be targeted than if you're…

Tuff-Writer™ Partners with Stay Safe Media and Michael Janich on “Focused Impact”

Tuff-Writer™ Partners with Stay Safe Media and Michael Janich on “Focused Impact”

In this groundbreaking video, acclaimed self-defense instructor Michael Janich gives you those skills and dispels the many myths that surround the use of pens in self-defense.…

Combative Fitness: Do you have it?

Combative Fitness: Do you have it?

Do you have the upper body strength to pull yourself up and over a wall or fence? Can you help endangered loved ones up and over? Fleeing the scene of…

Down Range Radio #317: The concept of making your own gun

Down Range Radio #317: The concept of making your own gun

This week, Michael ponders the concept of making your own gun and considers the self-defense implications of a world where terrorists kill soldiers on the streets.…

On The Best Defense: Dark House

On The Best Defense: Dark House

You hear a sound outside. Someone is on your property looking into your home. You grab your weapon and go outside to solve the problem.... or does the problem solve…

There are limits to situational awareness

There are limits to situational awareness

I have been thinking a lot about the London terror attack and what it can teach us. In truth, when a person gets knocked down by a car, the first…

Down Range Radio #315: Concealed Carry on a motorcycle and self defense in confined spaces

Down Range Radio #315: Concealed Carry on a motorcycle and self defense in confined spaces

This week, Michael catches up on guns that is ready for testing. He also talks about Concealed Carry on a motorcycle. Government out of control is the topic of the…

On The Best Defense: Real Estate Agent

On The Best Defense: Real Estate Agent

What are the threats that face us involving our job? There are more than we can actually imagine, especially if our job put us in contact with people in a…

On The Best Defense: Hotel Safety

On The Best Defense: Hotel Safety

Any time you travel out of town, especially as a female traveler, you increase your chances of being attacked. You're outside of your environment. In a hotel scenario, the risk…

Down Range Radio #312: Staying Safe in an Unsafe World

Down Range Radio #312: Staying Safe in an Unsafe World

This week, Michael takes a few minutes to celebrate our RKBA victory in Washington D.C. last week, then he dives head-first into the Boston terror attacks. What can we do…