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This week, Michael has more information on the air rifles, the crossbow and the S.I.R.T. laser trainer featured in this week's episode of SHOOTING GALLERY.…
It’s fashionable these days to refer to a gunfight as a “critical incident” or a “crisis point” but I don’t think such phraseology tells the whole story.…
This week, it's a new year and the tiki bar is open! Michael talks about new trends, new guns like the Glock .380 and why we fight...…
Every day we interface with other people and too often we do this on autopilot and we are oblivious. In the modern world, this is not a good idea.…
Make sure your DVR is set for the December 25 Wednesday Night Lineup featuring The Crimson Trace Midnight Three Gun, Mossberg Rifles and the best from last season of Rapid…
Michael is finally home celebrating Christmas in the Secret Hidden Bunker in the Rocky Mountains. In this last podcast of 2013, he talks about the Cultural War in America, Phil…
Michael Bane discusses how a “social” sport like cowboy action shooting can pay real dividends in Real World encounters.…
This week, Mike Seeklander takes you through the initial thought process in selecting firearms for self defense. We go through important factors such as reliability, ergonomics and accuracy. If you…
Mike Seeklander takes you through the process of selecting firearms for self defense. We go through the different categories of handguns you can choose from and recommendations related to caliber,…
This week Michael congratulates Daniel Defense on their willingness to bring our culture to the mainstream, even if the NFL turned them down for a Superbowl commercial. He also talks…