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Mike Seeklander shows you how to gain control after being knocked to the ground by an assailant.…
In self defense training, we operate mostly in a wide open area like a shooting range. What if we in a real life situation have to react in narrow space…
Shooting Gallery heads to the desert for another take on Zero to Hero this time with Gabe Suarez.…
This week Michael wraps up lessons learned at the Ruger/FTW Ranch event last week. He also talks about "thinking about training".…
An active shooter in our workplace has become our very own urban nightmare. We talk a lot about avoidance and awareness on our show, but there are situations where you…
This week Michael waxes poetic about SHOOTING GALLERY's upcoming Africa special and this week's ballistics episode. Then he addresses the 800 pound gorilla in the room, the deteriorating situation in…
This week Michael Bane dons his "shoot me first" vest and discusses training bias, different kinds of concealed carry and why the Universe doesn't love you...…
This week Michael talks about his visit with Jerry, Kay and Lena Miculek in Louisiana, then goes into the most important lessons learned from THE BEST DEFENSE.…
Michael Bane wades neck-deep into the militarization of today's police forces and the increasing use of no-knock raids.…
This week, Michael rambles aimlessly about the advantages — and the disadvantages — of revolvers as the Project Non-Permissive Jurisdiction continues on!…