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Home » Posts tagged with » Self Defense (Page 37)

On The Best Defense: Home Invasion

On The Best Defense: Home Invasion

You may have some plans on how to keep your family safe in your home. But if you don't communicate those plans to your spouse and children, do they matter…

Down Range Radio #368: The Cult of the Mosin-Nagant And Inexpensive Rifles

Down Range Radio #368: The Cult of the Mosin-Nagant And Inexpensive Rifles

This week, Michael Bane ponders the strange cargo cult of Mosin-Nagant enthusiasts. He also talks about his most recent interview with Steven Hunter. [powerpress:http://www.downrange.tv/mp3s/368-mb052114.mp3] You can also listen to DR…

On The Best Defense: The Rest Stop

On The Best Defense: The Rest Stop

When you see the sign that says Rest Area after a long drive, all you can think of is getting out of the car. But is that the only ting…

Down Range Radio #367: The Unexpected Consequenses Of Anti-Gun Laws

Down Range Radio #367: The Unexpected Consequenses Of Anti-Gun Laws

This week, Michael battles a brutal head cold and against all odds manages to skewer Colorado on the unexpected consequences of the Bloomberg anti-gun laws passed last year.…

Down Range Radio #366: “Smart Guns” And Stupid Legislators

Down Range Radio #366: “Smart Guns” And Stupid Legislators

This week, Michael tackles the topic of "smart guns" and stupid legislators and anti gun fanatics. He also brings you up to date on future plans both on broadcast and…

The Best Defense Training: Using the firearm as a striking object

The Best Defense Training: Using the firearm as a striking object

There are situations where shooting an assailant is not an option such as in crowded areas where innocent bystanders can be hit. Seeklander talks about using the firearm as a…

The Best Defense Training: Contact Distance Defense

The Best Defense Training: Contact Distance Defense

Mike Seeklander and Michael Janich demonstrate empty hand and knife techniques in a contact distance defense. …

The Best Defense Training: Weapon mounted lights

The Best Defense Training: Weapon mounted lights

Mike Seeklander gives you some tips on the use of and training with weapon mounted lights.…

On The Best Defense: The Garage

On The Best Defense: The Garage

We never feel more secure then when we're on our home turf. While doing our chores such as in a garage, you never know who might walk in and what…

Down Range Radio #363: BLM vs. Cliven Bundy, Gun Stories Season 4 And The Ruger Match Champion .357.

Down Range Radio #363: BLM vs. Cliven Bundy, Gun Stories Season 4 And The Ruger Match Champion .357.

This week Michael does a post-mortem on the ranch stand-off, updates everyone on GUN STORIES Season 4 and talks about how much he enjoys shooting the Ruger Match Champion .357.…