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We never feel more secure then when we're on our home turf. While doing our chores such as in a garage, you never know who might walk in and what…
On this week's abbreviated podcast, Michael Bane talks election politics, then takes you through his first test run with the GMR 9mm carbine from JP Rifles.…
In self defense training, we operate mostly in a wide open area like a shooting range. What if we in a real life situation have to react in narrow space…
This week Michael Bane expounds on lying governments, failing systems and what we can learn from Ebola. He also ponders the re-rise of the 9mm AR.…
An active shooter in our workplace has become our very own urban nightmare. We talk a lot about avoidance and awareness on our show, but there are situations where you…
This week Michael Bane talks about the changing face of target shooting and the attraction of big bore snubbie revolvers...…
Every day we interface with other people and too often we do this on autopilot and we are oblivious. In the modern world, this is not a good idea.…
This week Michael Bane talks about the changing face of target shooting and the attraction of big bore snubbie revolvers...…
This week Michael Bane wraps up the spectacular Trijicon World Shooting Championships at the Peacemaker National Training Center in West Virginia.…
Pointing guns at people you have no intention of shooting to force compliance with your demands is poor business. What are you going to do if they don’t comply? Shoot…