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A revolver is not obsolete for self defense. Michael Bane explains why.…
Each year, Outdoor Channel honors a number of shows that have represented the shooting category the best.…
Michael Bane answers more viewers questions. This week it is about the derringers as a viable self defense tool.…
This week, Michael talks about the ramifications of the Paris terrorist attack.…
Michael Janich is a big believer in teaching kids practical kicks as primary self-defense weapons.…
What is it that Michael Bane carry as his day to day carry gun? This and other questions are answered in this week's The Best Defense online video.…
It's a whole new year as the Sweetie chooses the music and Michael chooses a Glock for competition! He also talks about America's Rifle, a new series produced for online…
How would you feel if you came home one day to find a bad guy in your house brandishing a gun you hadn’t secured?…
If you have firearms in your home, how are they secured? Do you have a main storage safe combined with secure but quick access storage devices?…
In addition to a flashlight for self-defense, one of Michael Janich's favorite fist load weapons is a tactical pen.…