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Michael Bane is back from Nashville to tell you all about it!…
This week Michael is heading for Nashville, TN for the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits. He also bemoans the trend away from free speech in America. …
In this episode, Mike Seeklander talks about the 8 key steps to improving individual self-defense and some throughs on medical training.…
A vehicle theft leads to a stolen identity. But when things go awry, trust your gut.…
If you missed our "The Best Defense" live online special, here is the recorded version.…
This week, as promised, Michael Bane talks a bit about prepping and the return of the good ole days of "Duck and cover!"…
The nationwide spread of the knockout game, has given us a whole new set of challenges for staying safe in public places.…
This week Michael takes an audio tour through Wilson Combat, talks about his new and as yet unshot rifle and has 2 fainting spells over the Glock G43!…
This week, Michael waxes poetic on Friday's upcoming Glock announcement, discusses his new McRee's Precision FN rifle and talks a little politics.…
Brad Delauter retired Marine Corps First Sergeant with an extensive special operations and leadership background discusses the keys to developing warrior mindset. …