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Michael Bane talks about the new set of executive actions aimed at limiting gun violence and unveiled in a press conference last Tuesday by President Barack Obama.…
This week and recorded before BHO’s unconstitutional executive orders hit, Michael talks about potential impacts.…
This week, Michael talks about the new Lipsey's Gray Vickers custom G19. He also touches on the topic "recommended guns for new shooters and concealed carry holders" and "Critical Skills".…
We're all familiar with phrases like "business as usual". In today's world there's no guarantee for this and a day in the office can turn unusual and violent.…
HO-HO-HO! This week Michael gets down and dirty with Christmas, after explaining how the brain is wired!…
Being stalked especially by someone you know is an old crime given a new lease of life by our technology, by social media, by the hot house inter-connectivity of modern…
This week, Michael discusses again the importance of 25 and 50 yard shooting.…
Most of us want to be good Samaritans and help other people in need. Unfortunately, predators always understand that urge and can turn it against us.…
The second largest terror attack in United States… the balloon has gone up... you MUST be prepared!…