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Yes! This week Michael is back from his vacation in Scotland, with tales of derring-do, kilts, sword makers and heavy metal! He also revisits the idea that in training, you…
This week Michael catches everyone up on the new Ruger Mark IV .22, fun times at the FTW Ranch and how to tank a 3-Gun match……
Mike Seeklander talks with Michael Bane, a shooter, adventurist, and a man who might literally be "the most interesting man in the world".…
This week Michael descends into a rant on the subject of “ideal” self-defense guns. The issue, of course is that there is no such thing as “ideal” — only the…
This week Michael talks about the upcoming SGO on My Outdoor TV, discusses the reason you should use decent ammo when testing a gun and in general pines for the…
This week Michael talks about the upcoming SGO on My Outdoor TV, discusses the reason you should use decent ammo when testing a gun and in general pines for the…
This week, Michael takes a look at the Nightforce Precision Tactical 2-Gun Match last weekend at the Whittington Center. He also once again ponders how individuals need to structure their…
This week, Michael writes a haiku for the Desert Eagle and shares his thoughts about separating shooting competition from self-defense training.…
This week Michael discusses the changes in urban riots in the wake of Milwaukee and what it means for your own self-defense.…
Michael Bane talks about Shooting Gallery Online and training time and how to best allocate it in your specific situations.…