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Josh Lentz battled Smith & Wesson teammate David Ohalsso for the EGW Area 8 Revolver title. Photo by Yamil Sued
FREDERICKSBURG, Va. – In a head-to-head battle between two of Team Smith & Wesson’s top wheelgunners, Josh Lentz of Northampton, Pa. overtook David Olhasso of Holland, Pa. on the final stage of the match to win the Revolver division title over the Labor Day weekend at the U.S. Practical Shooting Association’s 2011 EGW Area 8 Handgun Championship in Fredericksburg, Va.
Olhasso started the match picking up two of his four stage wins on the first two stages, giving him almost a 35 point lead over his team rival. Despite winning the next three stages, Lentz remained in second but not before closing the gap to within 16 points.
Olhasso then expanded his lead on stages seven and eight where his picked up his last two stage wins.
Going into the 10th and final stage of match, after a statistical draw on stage nine, Lentz picked up 32.2773 points on Olhasso by blazing through the stage six seconds faster, winning all 150 stage points to Olhasso’s 117.7227.
Lentz won the title with a final score of 1207.4363 points, a 7.6649 margin of victory over Olhasso’s second place 1199.7714.
“Josh and Dave are two outstanding competitors and their head-to-head battle this weekend exemplifies the kind of top-level revolver competition found in USPSA,” said Harry Foltz, the USPSA Area 8 director.
Rounding out the top five in the Revolver division were Joseph Pitha in third with one stage win and a final score of 1011.3512, Robert Vlastelica in fourth with 915.8761 and Robert Perdue of Falling Waters, W.Va. in fifth with 911.5815 placing him as the top senior within the division.
Elsewhere in the Revolver contest, the only junior competing in the division, 16-year-old Jesse Wills of Midland, Va., finished ninth overall with 762.0377 points. Stanley Penkala, the division’s only super senior, placed seventh overall with 846.3284.
The 2011 EGW Area 8 Handgun Championship was held September 1-4 at the Fredericksburg Rod & Gun Club and drew over 300 top shooters. In addition to crowning champions in each of the six USPSA divisions – Limited, Limited-10, Open, Production, Revolver and Single Stack – the match also hosted a shooting fundraiser as part of a larger effort to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project. To date the Area 8 region of USPSA, made up of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia, has raised over $7,300 for the charity.
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