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Revision Eyewear Sawfly

“Eyes are just jelly,” my friend remarked as I wandered through the woods with a hand covering the eye with the scratched cornea. Often, the thing that we least worry about protecting is the most vulnerable; in this case our eyes definitely get ignored.

It took me years to finally learn to wear protective glasses, and then more years to refine what makes good protective eyewear for the woods; in a nutshell, 1) good optics, 2) comfort, 3) interchangeable lenses for different conditions, and 4) scratch resistance. And given those criteria, no eyewear I’ve ever tried matches the Revision Eyewear Sawfly.

Revision Eyewear is a company that deals with problems that most of us will never have to deal with. They design and manufacture eyewear for the military, with a focus of keeping things like keeping bullets and shrapnel out of wearers’ eyes. Branches and insects? Child’s play. Pellets fired from a shotgun? Now you’re talking.

Read the whole story on OutdoorChannel.com.


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