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USA Shooting will host the 2013 Coach College (Sept. 16-18) and Coaches Conference (Sept. 19-21 ) for continuing education of USA Shooting coaches and program leaders at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. Registration is now officially open for both programs by clicking on the following links:
COACH COLLEGE: https://www.usashooting.org/membership/coaches/2013-coach-college
COACH CONFERENCE: https://www.usashooting.org/membership/coaches/2013-coach-conference
National Shotgun Coach Todd Graves giving some instruction to two-time Olympian Corey Cogdell prior to her Olympic competition in London
USA Shooting recognizes that coaching athletes is one of the most challenging endeavors, while it can be also be one of the most rewarding. The Coach College and Conference is organized to help coaches meet the challenges of coaching competitive athletes. The program is a cooperative effort designed by the National Rifle Association, USA Shooting and the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP).
The program is designed for either those with an interest in becoming a certified coach in any of the rifle, pistol or shotgun disciplines or for those certified coaches wanting to expand their skills and get advanced coaching certification. The coach conference is the place to learn from others, network with other coaches and build a better competitive program at the club level.
“On-going coach education and development is an absolute priority for USA Shooting,” said Michael Theimer, 1976 Olympian and the Youth Programs and Athlete Development Manager for USA Shooting. “We recognize that our ability to reach athletes and strengthen our pipeline can only be as strong as the coaches involved. At a grassroots level, the coaches we nurture help provide the foundation necessary for youth introduction, development and success in the shooting sports.”
USA Shooting has expanded the number of topics/presentations that will be offered at this biennial conference by conducting concurrent sessions to allow greater choice and variety for participants. The following sessions are planned: Safe Sport program; National Coach panel discussion; athlete panel discussion – what makes a good coach; ISSF rule changes; Midway USA Foundation funding opportunities; the German shooting club model by Gary Anderson; fundraising ‘101’; collegiate, Paralympic and CMP shooting updates; and a SCATT clinic on Thursday afternoon prior to the conference. This is just a short list of opportunities that coaches will be able to learn from.
Theimer put out a challenge to those coaches who attended in 2011 where just over 100 coaches attended. “Identify, recruit, train and develop at least one new coach and bring them with you to the 2013 biennial coach conference.” USA Shooting expects between 150-200 coaches attending from all over the U.S. to include several coaches from other countries.
Dorm rooms at the U.S. Olympic Training Center will be extremely limited and on first-come, first-serve basis. A list of hotel options in the region will be provided with the registration information once it becomes available.
USA Shooting is headquartered at the Olympic Training Center (OTC) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Located on the OTC campus, the Olympic Shooting Center was built in 1985 and is used for elite and resident athlete training, competitions, national championships, coaching seminars, camps, committee meetings and local clubs. Approximately 25 resident and day-use athletes train at the OTC during the year.
The Shooting Center is the largest indoor shooting facility in the Western Hemisphere and the third largest in the world. Three separate ranges provide 29 firing points from 50 meters and 73 firing points from 10 meters for training and competitions. It also houses the administration offices, a gunsmith room and locker rooms for resident and visiting athletes.
In addition to the indoor ranges at the OTC, the outdoor ranges at the International Shooting Park are also used by U.S. Shooting Team members. Construction began in 1985 on 102 acres of land leased to the United States Olympic Committee at the edge of the U.S. Army Fort Carson military base. Five superimposed international-style skeet and bunker trap fields, shade shelters and a clubhouse have been completed.
For more information, please contact Michael Theimer by email at michael.theimer@usashooting.org.
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