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Coaches line up behind their students and critique their abilities of shooting from various kneeling positions.
Fairfax, Virginia – At the beginning of every year, NRA’s Law Enforcement Division puts together a video touting their contribution to police departments and federal agencies throughout the nation.
In addition to discounts on law enforcement related insurance policies, grants or scholarships and tactical police competitions there are Instructor Classes, Armorer Schools, the National Police Shooting Championships and more.
So take a look at NRA’s Law Enforcement Division. If you’ve ever put on a badge, there’s a chance we have something for you there.
NRAblog is your connection to the programs of the NRA. It is a project of the NRA’s Media Relations Division.
NRA Executive Director: Kyle Weaver
Lars Dalseide. E-mail him at LDalseide (AT) nrahq.org.
Kyle Jillson. E-mail him at KJillson (AT) nrahq.org.
Justin McDaniel E-mail him at JMcDaniel (AT) nrahq.org.
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