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Fairfax, Virginia – Two years ago the NRA began toying around with a match to develop and test defensive rifle skills with modern, general-purpose rifles, such as the extraordinarily popular AR-15. After careful refining, NRA General Operations is proud to present the NRA National Defense Match (NDM). Created for people of nearly all skill levels, these matches are able to be conducted on most center-fire rifle ranges throughout the country.
Setting the NDM apart from other NRA Competitive Shooting disciplines is its grounding in real-life training and tactics. Rifles must be on your person and slung round your shoulder when not in use – like our Armed Forces around the world are required to do.
Ken Pfau of FNH USA at a NRA National Defense Match
Like other NRA competitive shooting matches, the NDM is divided into categories for rifles with iron sights, non-magnifying optics such as many red dot sights, and telescopic sights. Any safe trigger and mechanical safety are allowed and there is no restriction on barrel length or noise suppressors. Center-fire and rimfire rifles are categorized separately. Lastly, creating junior categories for young shooters is at the match sponsors’ discretion.
NDMs are shot at targets from 7, 15, 30, 60, 100, 200, 300 and 400 yards with scoring based on a combination on time and accuracy.
Sound interesting? Take a look at the video above to get a better idea on what NDMs are about.
NRAblog is your connection to the programs of the NRA. It is a project of the NRA’s Media Relations Division.
NRA Executive Director: Kyle Weaver
Lars Dalseide. E-mail him at LDalseide (AT) nrahq.org.
Kyle Jillson. E-mail him at KJillson (AT) nrahq.org.
Justin McDaniel E-mail him at JMcDaniel (AT) nrahq.org.
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