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The Colt Cobra was chambered in .38 Special, .32 Colt New Police, and .22 LR and was sold by Colt from 1950 until 1981.
So the big news going into SHOT is that Colt is… finally… resurrecting the Colt Cobra, truly one of the great snubbies of all time. Smith and Wesson is rolling out a 6.5 Creedmoor MP-10. Ruger has ditched the .243 in the superb Ruger Precision Rifle in favor of the new hottness, the 6mm Creedmoor (this is outside my pay grade). I’m very familiar with the 6.5 Creedmoor both for long distance shooting and hunting; zero experience with its 6mm cousin… read this from the Precision Rifle Blog, which will give you the facts from an expert. Plus the Ruger American Compact in .45 ACP; the military Glocks 17 and 19 on the near horizon; “boutique” manufacturers spinning out new 1911s, M1 Carbines, little tiny concealed carry pistols, fill in the blanks.
I think what is happening is that as the market moves toward normal times, manufacturers are going to be filling every conceivable niche… think of it as throwing “stuff” on the wall to see what sticks. To be sure, we all benefit from that. I’ve said before that we live in the “golden years” for firearms… if you want it, somebody is making it, from the very highest end (a nice, heavily engraved Wesley Richards 4-Bore to go with your Cabot Arms meteorite-made 1911) to the very lowest (concealed carry pistols in the sub-$300, even sub-$200 range that actually work).
You want retro? Pick your time period, from Kentucky long rifles to AVATAR-styled guns. FN’s “military collector’s series” is selling like crazy, especially their semiauto version of the SAW, which (according to my little cherubs, is selling at an incredible level); Inland Manufacturing is cranking out M1 Carbines at a level not seen since WWII. Concealed carry pistols? Take your pick from hundreds. Tactical rifles? Duh! Hunting rifles? An amazing assortment.
So…. what rumors have you heard?
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