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Jessie Duff and other top shooters teach Pro-Clinic at 2013 MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup
Fairfax, Virginia – This year the MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup celebrates its 35th anniversary. Thirty-five years… that’s a lot of great memories and intense competition.
Action pistol is one of the most exciting shooting sports to watch. It’s also extremely challenging. With all the, well, action going on, it’s amazing that the top shooters can manage to get such great scores. Have you ever wondered what their secrets are? Are you itching to get involved or take your game to the next level?
Well you’re in luck this year. To commemorate the championship’s 35th year, the MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup reached out to the champion pistol shooters who have contributed the most to the growth and longevity of the competition to see if they’d like to pass on their knowledge.
On Monday, May 20, two days before this year’s Bianchi Cup, you’ll be able to attend a Pro-Shooter clinic and learn from the best there are. Rob Leatham, Jessie Duff, Mickey Fowler, Rob Vadasz and Carl Bernosky will all be on hand to teach you the skills that have made them so successful.
The clinic is a remarkable $50, but is only open to the first 50 people. If this is up your alley, sign up ASAP.
If you’re competing in this year’s Bianchi Cup you’ll have to get into town a couple days early, but we promise it’ll be worth it. You’re sure to walk away a better shooter than before when it’s over. You’ll also be able to try your new skills out immediately at the match.
Want to sign up or get more info on the clinic? Write us at bianchicup@nrahq.org
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NRA Executive Director: Kyle Weaver
Lars Dalseide. E-mail him at LDalseide (AT) nrahq.org.
Kyle Jillson. E-mail him at KJillson (AT) nrahq.org.
Justin McDaniel E-mail him at JMcDaniel (AT) nrahq.org.
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