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Friends of NRA’s Matt Duff visits New England patriots on Outdoor Channel
Fairfax, Virginia – This weekend you can catch Episode 7 of Friends of NRA on Outdoor Channel. For three seasons we’ve followed Matt and Jessie Duff around the country, and now the world, as they the meet the inspiring ways people show their support for the NRA. Each episode we learn a little more about the NRA family and we’ve only just scratched the surface.
Last episode our dynamic duo trekked the Oregon coast and squeezed in a white water rafting trip. This week it’s back to the East Coast as Friends of NRA is in search of New England patriots.
With Jessie off at a competition, Matt’s flying solo this episode. His first stop is the Old Sturbridge Village living museum in Massachusetts. There he dons the appropriate attire and is treated to a musket firing demonstration by Revolutionary War reenactors before getting a lesson in 19th century firearms. After working up quite an appetite, Matt attends the Worcester County Friends of NRA committee banquet smack dab in the middle of the village.
Packing up and heading north, Friends of NRA’s next destination is the University of Vermont. Here they meet a few great shooting teams who wouldn’t be able to compete without support from NRA grants.
“What they do is so vital in getting youth involved,” Matt remarks. “And it ultimately breeds new people that are passionate about protecting our Second Amendment and making sure our heritage and traditions remain for our kids and their kids down the road.”
Between the teams’ facilities Friends of NRA can’t pass up making their time in Vermont complete and pays a visit to the Ben & Jerry’s factory.
The last stop on their New England trip is Fair Haven, Vermont. After meeting up with Evan Hughes, a Friends of NRA Volunteer of the Year, it’s off to visit a Women On Target event. These clinics create great opportunities for women to learn about firearms and gain confidence in their shooting skills.
You can watch Matt visit with the University of Vermont shooting teams and attend the Women On Target clinic in the clip above, but if you want to see the whole episode you’ll need to tune to Outdoor Channel at 10:00pm EST this Sunday.
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NRA Executive Director: Kyle Weaver
Lars Dalseide. E-mail him at LDalseide (AT) nrahq.org.
Kyle Jillson. E-mail him at KJillson (AT) nrahq.org.
Justin McDaniel E-mail him at JMcDaniel (AT) nrahq.org.
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