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Marshal H. shooting the Chiappa Rhino without the aluminum hat.
This week, Michael wraps his head in aluminum foil and curls up to watch Mel Gibson’s “Conspiracy Theory” while trying to figure out why Chiappa Firearms would fire a Rhino at their own foot. He also ponders whether Detonics is a real company or just a series of leaked Internet photos. Also good news for FAL fans as DS Arms finally releases their 20, 25 and 30 round magazines for the venerable MBR platform. He also quotes the great Walt Rauch: “Nobody wants to leak…”
Down Range Radio Sponsor:
Ruger Firearms * Liberty Safes * Crimson Trace Laser Grips * XS Sights
Human Events on Fast & Furious
The Chiappa Press Release on RFID
An alternate view of “stopping power”
Detonics Modular Frame Gun leaked to Bob Owens
7 Responses to Down Range Radio #224: The Aluminum Foil Hat is on!
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