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Passing along tradition is big in the gun world. Lou comes to grips with his own father-son relationships as he creates the perfect father-son moment for his client.…
This week, we're going to the Gunsite Academy with the Yamaha Viking Tactical Black ATV, a Ruger SR762 rifle and a Ruger SR45 handgun.…
You may have some plans on how to keep your family safe in your home. But if you don't communicate those plans to your spouse and children, do they matter…
Small town gun shows bring out the characters. Lou’s perfectionism clashes with the culture, as he learns to value his new home and his family.…
This week the American Rifleman crew heads back to S.A.A.M. Safari course in Barksdale, Texas for more long range precision training.…
Is it anything more mind numbing than a long drive? You're tired, you're bored, you're stiff and you've had enough of listening to the greatest hits of the 70's. When…
Lou Tuminaro drags his wife, kids, and his Pops to Montana to buy and sell guns. Cultures often collide for this New Yorker. Lou learns what it takes for an…
This week the American Rifleman crew heads to S.A.A.M. Safari course in Barksdale, Texas for long range precision training.…