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This week, ARTV continues their visit to Israel and IWI. They also review the Benelli 828U and look at the Colt New Service revolver.…
Pops invites Lou and Theresa for a couple's weekend to celebrate his birthday.…
Lou Tuminaro, Pops and Little Louie bond when three generations go to one of the biggest gun shows in the world, the Wanenmacher Show in Tulsa.…
We're all familiar with phrases like "business as usual". In today's world there's no guarantee for this and a day in the office can turn unusual and violent.…
Being stalked especially by someone you know is an old crime given a new lease of life by our technology, by social media, by the hot house inter-connectivity of modern…
This week, ARTV airs part 3 in their series on the Men and Guns of Vietnam. Later on they'll review the Colt Model 1903 and shoot the Tariq pistol.…
Most of us want to be good Samaritans and help other people in need. Unfortunately, predators always understand that urge and can turn it against us.…
This week, ARTV airs the first part of a 3 part series on the Men & Guns of Vietnam. Later on they'll shoot the Colt 601.…