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The Gunny on the Dillon Minigun; two-time USPSA National Champion Tori Nonaka shoots the new GLOCK 43.…
This week Michael recaps filming THE BEST DEFENSE scenarios and his visit to the Suarez International Red-Dot Pistol Class in Prescott, AZ.…
Get an exclusive tour of the home of some of the most sought-after American made double guns in the world.…
This week Michael gets back to guns and gets ready for Carry Optics, the new USPSA Division.…
Michael Bane covers some of the calibers and uppers for your AR-15.…
Outdoor Channel will be available to DISH customers as part of a nearly five-week free preview beginning Thursday, September 3 through Tuesday, October 6.…
This week Michael Bane takes on the nightmare situation that is developing on the streets of America, with some advice for regular listeners.…