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Down Range Radio #498: Adjust Your Training To Your Chosen Gun

Down Range Radio #498: Adjust Your Training To Your Chosen Gun

This week Michael addresses a couple of training issues, including adjusting the training to the gun and taking into account people’s special circumstances when they choose conceal carry firearms.…

Now on SGO: Festive Handguns From SCCY

Now on SGO: Festive Handguns From SCCY

This new episode on SGO looks at the festive semi-automatic pistols from SCCY. Now available for streaming on MyOutdoorTV. …

Why Surrender Is Never an Option

Why Surrender Is Never an Option

How will you respond if you are confronted by evil as some of us have been in the past and some of us will be in the future?…

On Midway USA’s Gun Stories: History Of Armscor

On Midway USA’s Gun Stories: History Of Armscor

ARMSCOR/ROCK ISLAND can trace its roots back to the early 1900s, beginning as Squires Bingham and Company, a clothing and sporting goods store in the Philippines.…

On American Rifleman TV: Remington 200 Years – Part 1

On American Rifleman TV: Remington 200 Years – Part 1

This week we continue to look at the 150th anniversary of Winchester. We also look at the IWI Jericho and the Pattern 1914 Rifle.…

On NRA All Access: Good Guy with a Gun – Hickock45: YouTube Sensation

On NRA All Access: Good Guy with a Gun – Hickock45: YouTube Sensation

Marine veteran Scott Perkins didn’t think twice about his own life as he sprung into action to stop an attack on a Sheriff’s deputy by drawing his concealed firearm. And…

On Gunny Time: Targets of My Affection

On Gunny Time: Targets of My Affection

The Gunny and Team Glock Captain Shane Coley hit the range with the Glock 19 with the new Modular Optic System to put the pistol through its paces.…

Dry Fire Training – the 2 x 2 x 2 drill

Dry Fire Training – the 2 x 2 x 2 drill

Many combative pistol skills can be mastered without ever firing a shot.…

First look at The New Ruger SR1911 Target

First look at The New Ruger SR1911 Target

Ruger is far from finished building out their lineup of SR1911 pistols, the latest variation is a 5" barreled target model.…

Down Range Radio #497: Firearms Training – Honing Your Skill Set

Down Range Radio #497: Firearms Training – Honing Your Skill Set

This week, Michael explores one of the conundrums that faces both competition shooters and shooters who shun competition and focus on self-defense drills.…