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This week, Michael talks about his wretched 3-Gun match on the weekend, but waxes poetic about the guns.…
This week Michael continues his discussion of “General Use” rifles; plus, the national “dialog” on guns is over… we won.…
This week Michael continues his discussion of “General Use” rifles.…
Michael Bane introduces you to the Carbine Conversion Unit from MechTech Systems - an upper receiver which can be attached to a pistol "lower" such as a Glock 17, 1911s…
If you’re looking for a handy, easy to carry defensive revolver in a powerful fight-stopping caliber you would be well advised to examine the M66.…
This week Michael shows off some of his favorite alternative carry holsters, followed with a long discussion of why people miss and how to train to avoid that very thing!…
This week Michael shows off some of his favorite alternative carry holsters and some recommendations on books.…
This week, Michael talks about the English Stalking Rifle and what can be considered the American version - The Ruger No.1.…