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Video Podcast: Michael’s 3-Gun Setup

Video Podcast: Michael’s 3-Gun Setup

This week, Michael talks about his wretched 3-Gun match on the weekend, but waxes poetic about the guns.…

On Gun Stories: The Beretta 92

On Gun Stories: The Beretta 92

How does the oldest family owned corporation in the world teach itself new tricks?…

Down Range Radio #529: Rifles For General Use

Down Range Radio #529: Rifles For General Use

This week Michael continues his discussion of “General Use” rifles; plus, the national “dialog” on guns is over… we won.…

Video Podcast: Rifles For General Use

Video Podcast: Rifles For General Use

This week Michael continues his discussion of “General Use” rifles.…

Now on SGO: The MechTech CCU

Now on SGO: The MechTech CCU

Michael Bane introduces you to the Carbine Conversion Unit from MechTech Systems - an upper receiver which can be attached to a pistol "lower" such as a Glock 17, 1911s…

Reviewing The Smith & Wesson Model 66 Combat Magnum

Reviewing The Smith & Wesson Model 66 Combat Magnum

If you’re looking for a handy, easy to carry defensive revolver in a powerful fight-stopping caliber you would be well advised to examine the M66.…

On Gun Stories: The Model 1911

On Gun Stories: The Model 1911

We're taking a look back at the rich history of John Browning's model 1911.…

Down Range Radio #528: Alternative Carry Holsters And Why People Miss

Down Range Radio #528: Alternative Carry Holsters And Why People Miss

This week Michael shows off some of his favorite alternative carry holsters, followed with a long discussion of why people miss and how to train to avoid that very thing!…

Video Podcast: Alternative Carry Holsters

Video Podcast: Alternative Carry Holsters

This week Michael shows off some of his favorite alternative carry holsters and some recommendations on books.…

Down Range Radio #527: The Stalking Rifle and Ruger No.1

Down Range Radio #527: The Stalking Rifle and Ruger No.1

This week, Michael talks about the English Stalking Rifle and what can be considered the American version - The Ruger No.1.…