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Fairfax, Virginia – Rifles, pistols and shotguns from across the centuries can be found throughout the halls of the National Firearms Museum. Colonial muskets, six-shooters from the Old West, and…
Friends of NRA travels to Massachusetts and Vermont for a little education and a lot of fun…
The SR1911 Commander is the next step in the SR1911 product line and if past demand is any indication Ruger will be hard pressed to keep up.…
What’s the best pistol for personal defense? How accurate must it be? How reliable should it be? These are the questions I’m asked most frequently in class, on-line and in…
Mike Seeklander talks about setting up an AR-15 for home defense and shows you some training drills to prepare you for using the rifle effectively and accurately when someone kicks…
This week,Michael talks about what does and does not work in the RKBA. Amazingly, he even finds time to talk about guns! Guns, can you believe it? Specifically, he talks…
While shooting a new personal best, Team Comp-Tac's Randi Rogers once again won the High Lady title at the 2013 Smith and Wesson IDPA Indoor National Championship.…
Each one will have an ensemble of great items you can win at auctions, in raffles and playing games. The merchandise changes each year, so you're bound to have some…
Fourteen years ago, on the shores of Semiahmoo Bay, Brad Smith was tired of daily grind. Employed by a major sunglass manufacturer, the days had grown long and the work…
While Colorado politicians appear hellbound to drive Magpul Industries and their various support companies out of the state with anti-gun legislation, other states aren't afraid to offer themselves up as…