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Joe Mantegna is ready for Season 3 of Gun Stories

Joe Mantegna is ready for Season 3 of Gun Stories

Joe Mantegna sits down with Michael Bane at the set of Gun Stories to talk about firearms, viewer reactions, his career, the gun he uses on Criminal Minds and his…

The Best Defense: The Best of Season 5

The Best Defense: The Best of Season 5

It's been an aggressive, even a scary season of The Best Defense. In every season, we present 12 scenarios which offer unique learning points. Mike Seeklander and Michael Janich pick…

On Shooting Gallery: The Best of Season 13

On Shooting Gallery: The Best of Season 13

On this special episode, we look back at the very best of Lucky Season 13 of Shooting Gallery. We circled the globe, shot with a lot of old friends and…

On American Rifleman TV: U.S. WWII Bolt-Actions

On American Rifleman TV: U.S. WWII Bolt-Actions

We think of the M1 Garand as the dominant rifle of WWII. But a lot of American soldiers, marines, sailors and coast guardsmen were issued bolt action rifles. …

On Elite Tactical Unit: The Hunt

On Elite Tactical Unit: The Hunt

It is time for the finale of Elite Tactical Unit. Last men standing are Tony Caspers and Scott McDonnold. One of them are going home empty handed. One of them…

NRA Spotlights Safe Gun Use and Storage Practices for National Safety Month

NRA Spotlights Safe Gun Use and Storage Practices for National Safety Month

Continuing our observance of June as National Safety Month (NSM), we are highlighting our rules for proper gun use and storage. Knowledge of safe gun handling techniques follows NSM’s stated…

Down Range Radio #320: Guns, Gear and Survival

Down Range Radio #320: Guns, Gear and Survival

This is "Photosynthesis" week on DOWN RANGE Radio! First off, a little rant about equipping the Syrian rebels with small arms without a background check for each and every Al…

Review: American Gun, A History Of The U.S. in Ten Firearms, by Chris Kyle with William Doyle

Review:  American Gun, A History Of The U.S. in Ten Firearms, by Chris Kyle with William Doyle

American Gun is an easy and enjoyable read. It’s written conversationally and feels as though Kyle is sitting down with you, having a beer and telling stories.…

What’s Best for Self Defense? A Profoundly Subjective Decision

What’s Best for Self Defense? A Profoundly Subjective Decision

"What's best" is a fallacious concept because there is no set of objective criteria for evaluation that works "across the board,"so to speak.…

The Daniel Defense MK18

The Daniel Defense MK18

The Daniel Defense MK18 features the railed forend Daniel Defense currently provides to USSOCOM and a 10.3” Cold Hammer Forged Barrel.…