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Down Range Radio #401: Michael’s Glock Project

Down Range Radio #401: Michael’s Glock Project

It's a whole new year as the Sweetie chooses the music and Michael chooses a Glock for competition! He also talks about America's Rifle, a new series produced for online…

Bonus Content The Best Defense Season 7 – Ep2

Bonus Content The Best Defense Season 7 – Ep2

If you have firearms in your home, how are they secured? Do you have a main storage safe combined with secure but quick access storage devices?…

Bonus Content The Best Defense Season 7 – Ep1

Bonus Content The Best Defense Season 7 – Ep1

Michael Bane talks about the #1 lesson we can learn from the Knockout Game. He also talks about the Sneaky Pete holster, a holster that allows you to carry all…

Down Range Radio #400: Why We Choose The Guns We Choose

Down Range Radio #400: Why We Choose The Guns We Choose

This week, it's the end of the year as we know... and Michael wraps up the old year with some ruminations on why we choose the guns we choose.…

Educating Your Instincts

Educating Your Instincts

When Michael Janich first started studying the martial arts almost 40 years ago, he realized that the toughest part of real self-defense is recognizing an attack quickly enough to be…

Down Range Radio #399: The .22 Rifle Michael Didn’t Sell…

Down Range Radio #399: The .22 Rifle Michael Didn’t Sell…

On Christmas Eve, Michael tackles an unpleasant subject, explains why you should never ever sell one of your guns and, finally, reads a poem! Merry Christmas!…

Episode Guide – The Best Defense Season 7

Episode Guide – The Best Defense Season 7

Michael Bane, Michael Janich, Mike Seeklander and Marty Hayes are back with a new season of The Best Defense. Twelve scenarios are lined up starting with the Knockout Game.…

On Midway USA’s Gun Stories: Browning M2 HB

On Midway USA’s Gun Stories: Browning M2 HB

Few firearms have had such a profound effect on warfare as John Browning’s massive .50 caliber M2 heavy machine gun.…

Gun Stories Online: Browning M2 HB (Bonus Content)

Gun Stories Online: Browning M2 HB (Bonus Content)

Michael Bane and Cory Trapp talk about the Browning M2 HB featured in Gun Stories Season 4 - Episode 13.…

On American Rifleman TV: Bianchi Cup – Part 2

On American Rifleman TV: Bianchi Cup – Part 2

This week, we look at the guns and gear used at the Bianchi Cup in Columbia, Missouri.…