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Yamil Sued classes up the joint and shoots the Bianchi Cup awards banquet in old school B&W film.…
Yamil Sued comes through with some more shots from the shootoffs at this year's Bianchi Cup.…
Photographer Yamil Sued shares some of his shots from Day 3 at the 2010 Bianchi Cup.…
Julie G's shooting super powers are revealed and it's not what you'd think.…
Photographer Yamil Sued shares some of his shots from Day 1 at the 2010 Bianchi Cup.…
For the third year in a row, and the fifth time overall, Blake Miguez walked away with the Limited division title at the USPSA 2010 Area 4 Handgun Championship sponsored…
Carina Randolph not only claimed the Lady’s title for the second year in a row at the U.S. Practical Shooting Association’s STI 2010 Area 4 Handgun Championship, but the Richardson,…
For the second year in a row, and the eighth time overall, Max Michel won the Open division title at the USPSA 2010 Area 4 Handgun Championship.…
ICORE announced that Hogue Inc., makers of handgun grips, rifle stocks and accessories, will join Smith & Wesson and Brownells as a premier sponsor of the organization’s 19th Annual Smith…