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Springfield Armory presents XD S pistols to NRA’s Keefe, Keene and Graham at the Annual Meeting in Houston
Houston, Texas – Every year at the NRA Annual Meeting, American Rifleman takes the opportunity to take care of a little business. Specifically, hand out a few of the year’s Golden Bullseye Awards. On Saturday, May 4th, they bestowed such an honor upon Springfield Armory’s XD S-9.
Gathered for the presentation were American Rifleman Editor in Chief Mark Keefe, NRA President David Keene, Springfield Armory Co-CEO Dennis Reese and Executive Director of NRA Publications Joe Graham.
As a sizable crowd assembled, Keefe stepped forward to make the presentation.
“When Springfield Armory introduced the XD S 45 pistol, they introduced a gun that is perfect for self defense in our view,” said Keefe. “It’s .45 APC, it’s controllable, it’s very slim, it’s very concealable. We are very impressed by this gun Denny and we’re here to present you with the American Rifleman Handgun of the Year Award.”
Reasons why American Rifleman chose Springfield’s XD S can be in their review:
It was amid that backdrop that Springfield Armory recently introduced the all-new XD-S, a subcompact, polymer-frame single-stack that measures 1″x4.4″x6.3″ and weighs 21.5 ozs. Those numbers alone would not be particularly impressive were it not for the fact that the XD-S is chambered in one of America’s most respected defensive handgun cartridges: the .45 ACP. That places the newest XD nearly in a class by itself. (Read the full review of the American Rifleman’s review of Springfield’s XD-S here.)
After NRA made their presentation, Springfield surprised everyone with a presentation of their own. Handing over the microphone, Springfield’s Reese stepped up and said, “I’ve got a little something special for each of these young men that I’d like to present right now if I can.”
Keefe, Keene and Graham were each presented with a XD S along with a personalized wood case that read:
Presented to
(Name of NRA Official)
at the2013 NRA Annual Meetings
and Convention
Houston, TX
Not a bad way to wrap up a Saturday, aye?
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Lars Dalseide. E-mail him at LDalseide (AT) nrahq.org.
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