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Getting My Shtick Together (Episode 157)

Kenn Blanchard is still in self improvement mode.  I call it personal spring cleaning.  I know there are some things I know I can improve upon, and I am working it, baby.  In the long term, I am looking for a shooting school to invest in because I have talked about shooting long enough to know this is a waning skill.  I am back in the gym and could use your encouragement.  If you need mine just ask.  If you take care of the little things, the big things don’t seem to matter. 

 Nobody trips over mountains.  It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble.  Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.

Speaking of improvement, I am working on my podcast too.  I’m going to experiment with the audio to see how small I can make the files without losing quality in the sound.  I know my shows are sucking up your hard drive space.  I don’t want to make you chose between the Urban Shooter Podcast and the latest Amy Winehouse CD on your MP3 player.  I am checking out my recording gear so it sounds better for you.  I even hired a coach to help me with my delivery.  Nobody has complained but I want to be better in the slim, micro, or tiny chance someone calls me up for a paid speaking gig somewhere.  I’ve spent a few dollars helping a musician I know, who in turn created a funky Chicago style blues theme for the show.  I got two artists working on two different projects.  One just finished a cool new logo for a hat I want to create, and the other another Zombie target.  They are works of art.  I have been tightening up the app thanks to feedback from the family.  Life is good. 

 This week on episode 157, hear an interview with Liz Foley of the Second Amendment March, and Kim Rhodes, Olympic Shotgun Competitor.  They are two really cool ladies.  Liz will be talking about the Second Amendment March and Kim will be sharing what is going on in her world.  It’s a sneak peak into the world of a champion, and future doctor of veterinarian medicine.  Episode #23 of Zombie Strike continues.  And I do a review of one of my listeners’ pistols too.

The Second Amendment March is about a month away and is a pretty “gutsy move” in my book.  Washington DC is not a gun-friendly location but numbers mean something here.  If Second Amendment supporters show up, it will continue the wave of success we have had these past two years with the right-to-carry, and open carry movements.  It’s all about the grassroots.

 Nothing is better than getting your shtick together.  “True victory is victory over oneself”  Thanks for listening to the show and following me here.

Shalom Baby!




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